Thursday, August 27, 2020
Patterns A short documentary by Kirsten Sheridan Essay Example for Free
Examples A short narrative by Kirsten Sheridan Essay Mental imbalance is a deep rooted formative handicap that shapes the manner in which an individual imparts and identifies with individuals around them. Individuals with mental imbalance experience issues with ordinary social communications, learning inabilities and trouble in comprehending the world. Kirsten Sheridan found an enthusiasm for this and decided to depict it in a concise narrative. She lived with her medically introverted cousin and he was a solid effect on her which got her inspired by mentally unbalanced individuals. The short film is about a mentally unbalanced kid and the manner in which he sees things from his perspective and how he deciphers things. I will break down; the way Tommy acts contrasted with different characters in the film, the various sorts of sounds used to speak to whats going on in Tommys head, camera edges, development, lighting, shading and altering. Likewise, I will be taking a gander at the examples and shapes set up or rehashed all through the film. Toward the beginning of the film, there is an unattractive musical guitar harmony playing when Tommy is strolling down the passage alone. By doing this, Kirsten Sheridan gives the crowd the mindfulness that Tommy is a basic individual and that he loves things in an example or request. You can hear kids playing outside; this causes us to accept that Tommy is diverse as he was disconnected from every other person. The long camera shots give us that Tommy is strolling with his head down and making overwhelming strides like he is attempting to shut out all the clamors going on around him. Toward the start of Patterns a plain, highly contrasting check design is as of now settled and gives us the thought that this example will be appeared all through the film. When Tommy was at school he couldnt stroll over the highly contrasting tiled floor since he was astounded and couldnt comprehend the example. Kirsten Sheridan outlined this by having a scene where Tommy is stopped, gazing at the floor, attempting to make sense of the example. Jimmy causes him by advising him to gaze upward and the two of them include in odd numbers while stumbling into the floor. Most medically introverted individuals include in odd numbers, prime numbers, etc. In the film you can tell that Tommy is medically introverted or has something incorrectly withâ him on the grounds that he doesnt face individuals when they are conversing with him, he will in general dismiss. When Tommy and Jimmy are strolling home from school, Tommy is conversing with Jimmy with his back to him, when Tommy says What time is it Jimmy? Furthermore, Jimmy says Ten minutes past four. Medically introverted individuals are probably going to confront away from the individual they are conversing with. Kirsten Sheridan utilizes a blend of sounds and camera shots to show bizarre parts of Tommys mental imbalance. When Tommy gets back home from school and his Mother approaches him what he needs for supper, Tommy hears many commotions in the house, which results in Tommy shaking and holding his head and yelling I dont need anything to eat. Tommys Mother gives him an excessive number of decisions and mentally unbalanced individuals like things all together or something they can place in an example. Kirsten Sheridan stifles all the sounds, which are going on around Tommy, together so it sounds mistaking for the crowd to hear what is happening, so we can hear what Tommy is hearing. He at that point goes into the restroom and turns the tap on to watch the water run down the channel, the redundant example of the running water settles him down and takes care of things back. The nearby camera shot of the running water gives us what its like from Tommys perspective. Tommy and Jimmy go outside to play on the swing. Jimmy is pushing Tommy on the swing and they are both giggling. Tommy has all the earmarks of being getting a charge out of this as he is in a quiet, loose and requested condition. Kirsten Sheridan utilizes a camera shot from Tommys perspective, in this scene, to show us the rehashing example of seeing the grass then the sky. Kirsten Sheridan shows an unmistakable line between the manners in which different characters dress to the way Tommy dresses. Tommy is wearing dull, horrid, dim garments while his sibling Jimmy is wearing the direct inverse, in brilliant and distinctive hues to show that he is a regular multi year old. This gives us the feeling that Tommy is not normal for every other person. This encourages us recognize who is medically introverted. Likewise Tommys discourse and complement is distinctive to everybody elses, different characters all discussion with an Irish articulation yet Tommy chats with an English pronunciation. In one of the scenes the family are sat during supper, Tommy and Kathleen are talking. What was my infant today? Kathleen says. Tommy answers He was the best child, and Kathleen was glad wasnt she? This shows Kathleen isnt close with Tommy as he alludes to her as Kathleen not Mum. Tommy takes things that individuals state truly. Tommys Dad said he will be at home at 6 oclock and Tommy anticipates that him should get through the entryway at precisely 6 oclock. Sheridan shows this by having a scene where Tommy is perched on the steps before the entryway holding up until the time was decisively 6 oclock. He was making clicking clamors while taking a gander at the entryway trusting that his Dad will get back home. Medically introverted individuals take what you state truly; interestingly, non-mentally unbalanced individuals dont take what individuals state actually on the grounds that the individual isnt precisely going to know whats going to occur later on. During supper, Tommy is choosing letters from his bowl to spell numbers, when he cannot discover the T to spell eight he begins making clicking commotions with his mouth and flicking his soup all over the place. His folks dont realize what to do, so then Jimmy begins tapping a musicality on the table which quiets Tommy down and appears to take care of everything back in Tommys mind. Mentally unbalanced individuals like things all together. The camera shots Kirsten Sheridan utilizes in this scene are exceptionally effective, as they demonstrate us what its like to be in Tommys mind. The camera pivots around the supper table quickly, this causes you to feel tipsy and clumsy which gives us and understanding to what Tommy feels like. Tommy is in his room tuning in to music when the record begins to hop which makes him have a fit of anxiety. Kathleen surges over to him and attempts to control him yet that never really actuate the issue significantly more. So then Jimmy needs to come in and help Tommy quiet down, while Kathleen remains in the entryway crying. What's more, Tommy says Bye now Kathleen. Not understanding that his Mother was vexed. Medically introverted individuals are frequently uninformed of different people groups feelings and outward appearances. Close to the furthest limit of the film Kirsten Sheridan includes a defining moment, where Tommy begins to relinquish his sibling and the help he gives him. Tommy saysâ to Jimmy Time to go now, so bye now. Jimmy reacts with Youll be all alone so. Tommy acknowledges what Jimmy says and goes inside leaving Jimmy to proceed to play with his companions. Tommy turns out to be progressively free now and this is the underlying beginning to Tommy and Jimmy driving their individual lives. All through the investigation of Patterns I have found that Jimmy is a major piece of Tommys life and I have introduced the issues caused from Tommys mental imbalance. I think this short film is a sharp technique for introducing to non-mentally unbalanced individuals the manner in which a medically introverted individual acts, carries on and why they do as such. It additionally gives an inside perspective on how a medically introverted individual needs to manage regular daily existence. Book index: the short documentry by Kirsten Sheridan.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Exchange rate policies suitable for developing countries
Conversion standard approaches reasonable for creating nations Swapping scale is one of the focal elements that impact the financial approaches in creating nations. A nation can decide to utilize a fixed swapping scale (Single or Multi-cash peg), middle of the road system like (Adjustable or Crawling peg) or embrace an adaptable conversion standard relying on the gracefully pace of cash and her financial independence. In any creating nation where establishments are frail, the trade rates are commonly controlled by handing-off in relative measures with monetary forms from other sound economies. In this article endeavor is, to take a gander at the choices accessible to creating nations in choosing what trade strategy may be generally reasonable for them .The impacts of receiving dollarization or money associations in creating nations will likewise be inspected. As per the IMF around 85% of creating nations had fixed conversion scale arrangementsâ [1]â before the breakdown of Bretton Woods fixed framework. A sharp move of conversion scale framewo rks was seen when fixed swapping scale framework fallen in 1970. The reasons for a trade systems is to have an economical current record shortage, exchange seriousness, holding swelling within proper limits, to have high work and accomplish microeconomic effectiveness in assets to amplify pay levels. In any case, exact perceptions uncover that there are many exchange offs between these targets. Skimming conversion standard is the place the legislature don't have a swapping scale target. It permits the economy to seek after an autonomous financial arrangement technique, for example, expansion focusing on and the market decides the swapping scale level. The system assists with encouraging genuine alteration. Conversion standard development gives a support against genuine stuns that may emerge from unfavorable terms of exchange advancement for creating nations. There are two kinds of coasting rates a free buoy and daintily oversaw drift accessible for thought. The contrast between the two trade rates is that autonomous buoy its worked unreservedly with no intercession from the financial position and the conversion standard will decide the flexibly and request however in delicately oversaw swapping scale framework their will be incidental mediation immediate and circuitous from the money related arrangement to direct inordinate variance. As of late many creating nations have received market decide skimming framework. They remember Uganda for mid 1982, Uruguay in late 1982 that was trailed by Dominican Republic in 1985. As Friedman contended in the mid 1950s,if costs move gradually, it is both quicker and less exorbitant to move the ostensible conversion scale because of a stun that requires an alteration in the genuine trade rateâ [2]â There is likewise a contention against skimming conversion scale arrangement for creating nations know as dread of gliding as marked by Calvo and Reinhart (2002)â [3]â . It is contended that gliding trade causes quick development regularly unwanted, in genuine trade rates. Swelling focusing under coasting framework is tricky given the monetary strength and frail budgetary framework in creating nations. For instance Brazil confronted issues in expansion focusing under drifting trade strategy because of the instability nature in swapping scale brought as affected by outside stun and desires. Its cash in 1999 deteriorated from R$ 1.20 to R$ 2.06à [4]à Other models are of Indonesia and Thailand that showed significant precariousness during the 1970s and 1980s. The immense variance brought about by unpredictability of the ostensible trade rates, which thusly might be brought about by the expanded instability of capital flows.à [5]à As the graph shows belowâ [6]â : characteristics Part3.pdf Fixed conversion scale strategy is another approach where national banks will secure swapping scale. For this situation, approach producer will permit estimation of money to move inside certain band limit concerning other nation or container of cash, that is typically their driving exchanging accomplice. It is viewed as a grapple against swelling that is significant for a creating nation that have propensity to hyper blow up. Besides if ostensible stuns win in an economy, fixed conversion scale system can suit cash request or gracefully stuns while limiting yield instability in a nation. That assists with bringing a progressively steady condition for universal exchange and furthermore profits by venture because of nonappearance of a cash hazard premium. For instance China works under a fixed swapping scale system and has profited by the intensity that its products have, because of its money being underestimated and not being permitted to appreciate. It brought about an expansion of remote trade stores to $514.54 billion for China. The downside from a fixed conversion scale is that national bank will lose final hotel loaning power. National bank loaning exercises may be successful if the support of a solid institutional setting is accessible. Subsequently, regardless of whether embracing a system that permits the national bank to print cash, a non-sound financial salvage activity is probably going to trigger inflationary desires and increment the likelihood of watching a downgrading money. This is because of weariness of stores and breakdown of the fixed conversion scale framework suggesting a major political expense for the approach producers as clear by Bretton Wood fixed swapping scale framework breakdown in 1970. Given the issues of both fixed and coasting swapping scale frameworks nations have attempted to embrace different middle of the road systems with an end goal to consolidate the upsides of the two frameworks. It is the place nation can either utilize flexible peg framework or slithering peg system that both safeguard the peg. However, the main contrast is that under customizable peg financial strategy can modify the conversion scale and creeping peg claims all authority to change the peg in steps, which are little yet optional in size and timing. The pegs permit nation to keep up soundness and intensity. On the premise to lessen swelling by directing expansion, an issue looked by many creating nations. As Williamson (2000) has contended that such middle of the road systems could, on a basic level, permit nations to receive the rewards of fixed and adaptable systems without acquiring a portion of their costs.â [7]â This halfway system likewise faces issues, for example, cash emergency if the nation is available to worldwide capital markets and apparently encourages outside obligation. For instance Argentina and Chile who executed creeping peg system in mid 1960s to manage high expansion, figured out how to loosen up the equalization of installment limitation and experienced increasing speed in financial growthâ [8]â . There are likewise antagonistic impacts identified with creeping pegs system as swelling as clear in Argentina that saw expansion around 30% every year and Colombia whos swelling around 5-10% before slithering pegs to 25% in the wake of slithering pegs was actualized by the late 1970s and mid 1980sâ [9]â . This would affect nation development as Khan and Senhadji assessed that expansions negative effect on development in for creating economies that appears to occur for swelling rates surpassing 11-12%â [10]â Nations with full scale financial shakiness can receive elective cash, for example, dollar known as Dollarization. The receiving of dollarization will help carry believability to the countrys money related framework, evacuate cash chance, dispose of money crisscrossing and stop conversion scale assaults due to jumbling cash that causes unfriendly asset report influences of enormous degrading. Nations have alternatives where they can receive a Full Dollarization framework that would mean nation would give up its capacity to give money like Panama and Ecuador in 2000. They can likewise receive a Fractional Dollarization if a nation is experiencing high expansion and there is a background marked by financial shakiness like Bolivia, Peru and Uruguay in 1980â [11]â . In conditions where there are fiscal shortcomings, precariousness and loss of certainty, Investors would be hesitant to put resources into that economy, as they might want to hold more secure resources. Dollar is progressively predominant and respectable as U.S Federal Reserve backs it. Along these lines expelling hypotheses or supporting against money is beyond the realm of imagination. Dollarization draws in Foreign Currency Deposits that stops any converse capital flights. In this way by embracing the money of a solid economy, a nation is successfully handling the expansion inclination issue concentrated by Barro and Gordon (1983)â [12]â . For instance Ecuador contracted - 7.3% in 1999, saw its economy develop by 2.3% in 2000, the year dollarization happened and 5.6% in 2001â [13]â . The expenses of dollar ization are, the loss of autonomous financial strategy, absence of a bank after all other options have run out (and subsequently the requirement for extra dollar resources), and the loss of seignior age. Cash association is like dollarization with minor distinction, as certain nations keep their own money. Individuals from cash association give up their financial freedom for noteworthy exchange increment and stable trade rates. Nations advantage at a small scale level because of sharing of money. That brings a more profound incorporation of budgetary division, as they are sharing single cash like those working under the Franc Zone in Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) and West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA). Research shows that there is no unmistakable decision on what conversion standard system works best for creating nations. As one swapping scale may be useful for one nation however could be hazardous for another. It is on the grounds that all nations have distinctive approach targets and diverse monetary condition. As significant accord on the decision of conversion scale systems is that no single swapping scale system is best for all nations or consistently (Frankel 1999, Mussa 2000)â [14]â . Conversion scale strategy has its advantages like it assimilate unfriendly shoc
Friday, August 21, 2020
Keyboard And Mouse Versus Console Controller
Keyboard And Mouse Versus Console Controller Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Keyboard And Mouse Versus Console ControllerUpdated On 20/08/2019Author : Ram kumarTopic : TechnologyShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogIf you are familiar with the PC and video game console, you know the accessories, mouse, console controller, and keyboard, as well. Without these components, it would be nearly impossible to play video games unless you utilized a mobile device. It depends on the player but some prefer the keyboard and mouse to the console controller and vice versa. Whatever the case may be, these accessories share some similarities and differences. Below, you will discover a comparison of the mouse, keyboard, and console controller.PC Versus Game ConsoleJust about every aspect of gaming is geared toward preference. While some players prefer playing games on the PC, others prefer the game console. But, which one of these platforms is better for playing video games? Well, it is really difficult to say. And, if you ask players they will gladly tell you they have a preference.To play video games on a PC, you need a mouse and/or keyboard. To play video games on a console, you need a controller. The button layout is unique for all of these devices. But, what makes these devices so unique is they are customizable. Players can customize the console controller, mouse, and keyboard to suit their needs and preferences. However, the console controller is more versatile, which is why it is more preferred than the mouse and keyboard setup.ConvenienceWhen it comes to convenience, the mouse and keyboard are lacking in a few ways. With the console controller, you have everything you need at your fingertips. With the mouse and keyboard, some games require players to switch from one to another to perform specific actions. One thing that avid gamers demand from their gaming accessories is convenience.READTips to Help You Succeed in Online GamblingSome players are willing to sacrifice convenience just to utilize the PC platform for gaming. So, again, the decision is still based on preference.PortabilityMouse and keyboard versus console controller on portability. Before the introduction of the wireless console controller, the portability rating for both the keyboard and mouse setup and console controller was pretty much the same. With that said, it is easy to see that the wired console controller is still more portable than the keyboard and mouse. This is more obvious when you compare dealing with a single console controller to two PC controllers, the mouse/keyboard setup.The wireless console controller offers more portability than all the other options. Sometimes it depends on the type of game you are playing. If you are playing pokies at Sbobet88, portability may not be that big of a deal. But, if you are playing an online action game with friends, portability could make it or break it.Flexibil ityFlexibility is limited when utilizing the keyboard and mouse setup. The wireless console controller is also limited on flexibility but it is still a big step up from the keyboard and mouse. The wired console controller is going to offer the most flexibility. However, the level of flexibility offered by the wireless console controller will depend on the wireless range. Even if the wireless range is limited, the wireless controller will still offer more flexibility than all the other options.
Monday, May 25, 2020
The Personality Dimensions Test For A Team Environment
Introduction Taking the Personality Dimensions test was very good to gain insight into both the personalities myself and my peers. An increased awareness of how different people work, communicate, and gain their energy is so important in order to be able to appreciate the differences of others, which will ultimately prepare a student for being a more effective worker in a team environment. Part One ââ¬â My Personality Dimension Colours I have very strong organizational skills, which is a telling trait that I am strongly Gold. I constantly make use of Google Keep, a note-taking application which I use for checklists to keep track everything I need to do from homework to grocery shopping lists. I find it very helpful for me to keep track ofâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦My keen attention to detail also allows me to help friends and family with enthusiasm when they come to me with something theyââ¬â¢d like me to proofread for them. Not only am I very attentive to details as a strong Gold, but I also really enjoy work that requires me to be detail-oriented. For my secondary colour, Blue, I feel that the trait I identify with most is the desire for self-actualization and personal growth. For much of my life, I have struggled with self-image and self-esteem, but at the present time I spend a lot more of my energy on the potential that I do have to be a better version of myself, and I really value the idea of personal growth. Specifically, I have adopted a much more positive outlook on things than that of what I used to have. I spend much less time being anxious about what people will think of me, and have shifted my focus more to improving my own self, both mentally and physically. I also feel I am far less judgmental of people now, because I realize that every person is just trying to do their own thingââ¬âwork towards their own goalsââ¬âand it is not constructive for anyone to be judgmental about petty things. I greatly value self-actualization and personal growth, which makes me confident that Blue is a colour that
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Chemistry Timeline Chronology of Major Events
Timeline of major events in chemistry history: Democritus (465 BC)First to propose that matter exists in the form of particles. Coined the term convention bitter, by convention sweet, but in reality atoms and void Alchemists (~1000-1650)Among other things, the alchemists sought a universal solvent, attempted to change lead and other metals into gold, and tried to discover an elixir which would prolong life. The alchemists learned how to use metallic compounds and plant-derived materials to treat diseases. 1100sOldest written description of lodestone used as a compass. Boyle, Sir Robert (1637-1691)Formulated the fundamental gas laws. First to propose the combination of small particles to form molecules. Differentiated between compounds and mixtures. Torricelli, Evangelista (1643)Invented the mercury barometer. von Guericke, Otto (1645)Constructed the first vacuum pump. Bradley, James (1728)Uses aberration of starlight to determine the speed of light to within 5% accuracy. Priestley, Joseph (1733-1804)Discovered oxygen, carbon monoxide, and nitrous oxide. Proposed electrical inverse-square law (1767). Scheele, C.W. (1742-1786)Discovered chlorine, tartaric acid, metal oxidation, and sensitivity of silver compounds to light (photochemistry). Le Blanc, Nicholas (1742-1806)Invented process for making soda ash from sodium sulfate, limestone, and coal. Lavoisier, A.L. (1743-1794)Discovered nitrogen. Described the composition of many organic compounds. Sometimes regarded as the Father of Chemistry. Volta, A. (1745-1827)Invented the electric battery. Berthollet, C.L. (1748-1822)Corrected Lavoiserââ¬â¢s theory of acids. Discovered bleaching ability of chlorine. Analyzed combining weights of atoms (stoichiometry). Jenner, Edward (1749-1823)Development of smallpox vaccine (1776). Franklin, Benjamin (1752)Demonstrated that lightning is electricity. Dalton, John (1766-1844)Proposed atomic theory based on measurable masses (1807). Stated law of partial pressure of gasses. Avogadro, Amedeo (1776-1856)Proposed principle that equal volumes of gasses contain the same number of molecules. Davy, Sir Humphry (1778-1829)Laid foundation of electrochemistry. Studied electrolysis of salts in water. Isolated sodium and potassium. Gay-Lussac, J.L. (1778-1850)Discovered boron and iodine. Discovered acid-base indicators (litmus). Improved method for making sulfuric acid. Researched behavior of gasses. Berzelius J.J. (1779-1850)Classified minerals according to their chemical composition. Discovered and isolated many elements (Se, Th, Si, Ti, Zr). Coined the terms isomer and catalyst. Coulomb, Charles (1795)Introduced the inverse-square law of electrostatics. Faraday, Michael (1791-1867)Coined term electrolysis. Developed theories of electrical and mechanical energy, corrosion, batteries, and electrometallurgy. Faraday was not a proponent of atomism. Count Rumford (1798)Thought that heat was a form of energy. Wohler, F. (1800-1882)First synthesis of an organic compound (urea, 1828). Goodyear, Charles (1800-1860)Discovered vulcanization of rubber (1844). Hancock in England made a parallel discovery. Young, Thomas (1801)Demonstrated the wave nature of light and the principle of interference. Liebig, J. von (1803-1873)Investigated photosynthesis reaction and soil chemistry. First proposed the use of fertilizers. Discovered chloroform and cyanogen compounds. Oersted, Hans (1820)Observed that a current in a wire can deflect a compass needle - provided first concrete evidence of the connection between electricity and magnetism. Graham, Thomas (1822-1869)Studied diffusion of solutions through membranes. Established foundations of colloid chemistry. Pasteur, Louis (1822-1895)First recognition of bacteria as disease-causing agents. Developed field of immunochemistry. Introduced heat-sterilization of wine and milk (pasteurization). Saw optical isomers (enantiomers) in tartaric acid. Sturgeon, William (1823)Invented the electromagnet. Carnot, Sadi (1824)Analyzed heat engines. Ohm, Simon (1826)Stated law of electrical resistance. Brown, Robert (1827)Discovered Brownian motion. Lister, Joseph (1827-1912)Initiated use of antiseptics in surgery, e.g., phenols, carbolic acid, cresols. Kekulà ©, A. (1829-1896)Father of aromatic chemistry. Realized four-valent carbon and structure of benzene ring. Predicted isomeric substitutions (ortho-, meta-, para-). Nobel, Alfred (1833-1896)Invented dynamite, smokeless powder, and blasting gelatin. Established international awards for achievements inà chemistry, physics, and medicine (Nobel Prize). Mendelà ©ev, Dmitri (1834-1907)Discovered periodicity of the elements. Compiled theà first Periodic Tableà with elements arranged into 7 groups (1869). Hyatt, J.W. (1837-1920)Invented the plastic Celluloid (nitrocellulose modifiedà using camphor)(1869). Perkin, Sir W.H. (1838-1907)Synthesized first organic dye (mauveine, 1856) and first synthetic perfume (coumarin). Beilstein, F.K. (1838-1906)Compiledà Handbuchderà organischenà Chemie, a compendium of the properties and reactions of organics. Gibbs, Josiah W. (1839-1903)Stated three principal laws of thermodynamics. Describedà the nature of entropyà and established a relation between chemical, electric, and thermal energy. Chardonnet, H. (1839-1924)Produced a synthetic fiber (nitrocellulose). Joule, James (1843)Experimentally demonstrated that heat isà a form of energy. Boltzmann, L. (1844-1906)Developedà kinetic theoryà of gasses. Viscosity and diffusion properties are summarized in Boltzmannââ¬â¢s Law. Roentgen, W.K. (1845-1923)Discovered x-radiation (1895). Nobel Prize in 1901. Lord Kelvinà (1838)Described the absolute zero point of temperature. Joule, James (1849)Published results from experiments showing that heat is a form of energy. Le Chatelier, H.L. (1850-1936)Fundamental research on equilibrium reactions (Le Chatelierââ¬â¢s Law),à combustion of gasses, and iron and steel metallurgy. Becquerel, H. (1851-1908)Discovered radioactivity of uranium (1896) and deflection of electrons by magnetic fields and gamma rays. Nobel Prize in 1903 (with the Curies). Moisson, H. (1852-1907)Developed electric furnace for making carbides and purifying metals. Isolated fluorine (1886). Nobel Prize in 1906. Fischer, Emil (1852-1919)Studied sugars, purines, ammonia,à uric acid, enzymes,à nitric acid. Pioneer research in sterochemistry. Nobel Prize in 1902. Thomson, Sir J.J. (1856-1940)Research on cathode raysà proved existence of electrons (1896). Nobel Prize in 1906. Plucker, J. (1859)Builtà one of the first gas discharge tubesà (cathode ray tubes). Maxwell, James Clerk (1859)Described the mathematical distribution of the velocities of molecules of a gas. Arrhenius, Svante (1859-1927)Researched rates of reaction versus temperature (Arrhenius equation) and electrolytic dissociation.à Nobel Prize in 1903. Hall,à Charles Martinà (1863-1914)Invented method of manufacturing aluminum by the electrochemical reduction of alumina. Parallel discovery by Heroult in France. Baekeland, Leo H. (1863-1944)Inventedà phenolformaldehydeà plastic (1907). Bakelite was the first completely synthetic resin. Nernst, Walther Hermannà (1864-1941)Nobel Prize in 1920à for work in thermochemistry. Performed basic research in electrochemistry and thermodynamics. Werner, A. (1866-1919)Introduced concept of coordination theory of valence (complex chemistry). Nobel Prize in 1913. Curie, Marie (1867-1934)Withà Pierre Curie, discovered and isolated radium and polonium (1898). Studiedà radioactivity of uranium. Nobel Prize in 1903 (with Becquerel) in physics; in chemistry 1911. Haber, F. (1868-1924)Synthesizedà ammonia from nitrogenà and hydrogen, theà first industrial fixation of atmospheric nitrogenà (the process was further developed by Bosch). Nobel Prize 1918. Lord Kelvin (1874)Stated theà second lawà of thermodynamics. Rutherford, Sir Ernest (1871-1937)Discovered that uranium radiation is composed of positively charged alpha particles and negatively charged beta particles (1989/1899). First to prove radioactive decay of heavy elements and to perform a transmutation reaction (1919). Discoveredà half-life of radioactive elements. Established that the nucleus was small, dense, and positively charged. Assumed that electrons were outside the nucleus. Nobel Prize in 1908. Maxwell, James Clerk (1873)Proposed that electric and magnetic fields filled space. Stoney, G.J. (1874)Proposed that electricity consisted of discrete negative particles he named electrons. Lewis, Gilbert N. (1875-1946)Proposed electron-pair theory of acids and bases. Aston, F.W. (1877-1945)Pioneer research on isotope separation by mass spectrograph. Nobel Prize 1922. Sir William Crookes (1879)Discoveredà that cathode raysà travel in straight lines, impart a negative charge, are deflected by electric and magnetic fields (indicating negative charge), cause glass to fluoresce, and cause pinwheels in their path to spin (indicating mass). Fischer, Hans (1881-1945)Research on porphyrins, chlorophyll, carotene. Synthesized hemin. Nobel Prize in 1930. Langmuir, Irving (1881-1957)Research in the fields of surface chemistry, monomolecular films, emulsion chemistry,à electric dischargesà in gasses, cloud seeding. Nobel Prize in 1932. Staudinger, Hermann (1881-1965)Studied high-polymer structure, catalytic synthesis, polymerization mechanisms. Nobel Prize in 1963. Flemming, Sir Alexander (1881-1955)Discovered the antibiotic penicillin (1928). Nobel Prize in 1945. Goldstein, E. (1886)Used cathode ray tube to study canal rays, which possessed electrical and magnetic properties opposite those an electron. Hertz, Heinrich (1887)Discovered theà photoelectric effect. Moseley, Henry G.J. (1887-1915)Discovered the relation between the frequency of the x-rays emitted by an element and itsà atomic numberà (1914). His work led to theà reorganization of the periodic tableà based on an atomic number ratherà than atomic mass. Hertz, Heinrich (1888)Discoveredà radio waves. Adams, Roger (1889-1971)Industrial research on catalysis and methods of structural analysis. Midgley, Thomas (1889-1944)Discovered tetraethyl lead and it used as an antiknock treatment for gasoline (1921). Discovered fluorocarbon refrigerants. Performed early research on synthetic rubber. Ipatieff, Vladimir N. (1890?-1952)Research and development of catalytic alkylation and isomerisation of hydrocarbons (together with Herman Pines). Banting, Sir Frederick (1891-1941)Isolated the insulin molecule. Nobel Prize in 1923. Chadwick, Sir James (1891-1974)Discovered the neutron (1932). Nobel Prize in 1935. Urey, Harold C. (1894-1981)One of the leaders of the Manhattan Project. Discovered deuterium. Nobel Prize 1934. Roentgen, Wilhelm (1895)Discovered that certain chemicals near a cathodeà ray tubeà glowed. Found highly penetrating rays that were not deflected by a magnetic field, which he named x-rays. Becquerel, Henri (1896)While studying effects of x-rays on photographic film, he discovered that some chemicals spontaneously decompose and emit very penetrating rays. Carothers, Wallace (1896-1937)Synthesized neoprene (polychloroprene) and nylon (polyamide). Thomson,à Joseph J. (1897)Discovered the electron. Used a cathode ray tube to experimentally determine the charge to mass ratio of an electron. Found that canal rays were associated with the proton H. Plank, Max (1900)Stated radiation law and Plancks constant. Soddy (1900)Observed spontaneous disintegration of radioactive elements into isotopes orà new elements, described half-life, made calculations of the energy of decay. Kistiakowsky, George B. (1900-1982)Devised the detonating device usedà in the first atomic bomb. Heisenberg, Werner K. (1901-1976)Developed the orbital theory of chemical bonding. Described atomsà using a formulaà related to the frequencies of spectral lines. Stated the Uncertainty Principle (1927). Nobel Prize in 1932. Fermi, Enrico (1901-1954)First to achieve a controlled nuclear fission reaction (1939/1942). Performed fundamental research on subatomic particles. Nobel Prize in 1938. Nagaoka (1903)Postulated a Saturnian atom model with flat rings of electrons revolving about a positively charged particle. Abegg (1904)Discovered that inert gasses have a stable electron configuration which results in their chemical inactivity. Geiger, Hans (1906)Developed an electrical device which made an audible click when hit with alpha particles. Lawrence, Ernest O. (1901-1958)Invented the cyclotron, which was used to create the first synthetic elements. Nobel Prize in 1939. Libby,à Wilardà F. (1908-1980)Developed carbon-14 dating technique. Nobel Prize in 1960. Ernest Rutherfordà and Thomas Royds (1909)Demonstratedà that alpha particlesà are doubly ionizedà helium atoms. Bohr, Niels (1913)Devised quantum modelà of the atomà in which atoms had orbital shells of electrons. Milliken, Robert (1913)Experimentally determined the charge and mass of an electron using an oil drop. Crick, F.H.C (1916- ) with Watson, James D.Described the structure of the DNA molecule (1953). Woodward, Robert W. (1917-1979)Synthesizedà many compounds, including cholesterol, quinine, chlorophyll, and cobalamin. Nobel Prize in 1965. Aston (1919)Use a mass spectrograph to demonstrate the existence of isotopes. de Broglie (1923)Described the particle/wave duality of electrons. Heisenberg, Werner (1927)Stated the quantum uncertainty principle. Described atoms using a formula based on the frequencies of spectral lines. Cockcroft / Walton (1929)Constructed a linear accelerator and bombarded lithium with protons to produce alpha particles. Schodinger (1930)Described electrons as continuous clouds. Introduced wave mechanics to mathematically describe the atom. Dirac, Paul (1930)Proposed anti-particles and discovered the anti-electron (positron) in 1932. (Segre/Chamberlain detected the anti-proton in 1955). Chadwick, James (1932)Discovered the neutron. Anderson, Carl (1932)Discovered the positron. Pauli, Wolfgang (1933)Proposed theà existence of neutrinosà as a means of accounting for what appeared to be a violation of the law of conservation of energy in some nuclear reactions. Fermi, Enrico (1934)Formulated hisà theory of beta decay. Lise Meitner, Hahn, Strassman (1938)Verifiedà that heavy elements capture neutrons to formà fisionableà unstable products in a process which ejects more neutrons, thus continuing the chain reaction.à that heavy elements capture neutrons to formà fisionableà unstable products in a process which ejects more neutrons, thus continuing the chain reaction. Seaborg, Glenn (1941-1951)Synthesizedà several transuranium elementsà and suggested a revision to theà layout of the periodic table.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Rhetorical Analysis The Electoral College - 1896 Words
Rhetorical Analysis: The primary audience for this paper includes every citizen aged eighteen and above eligible to vote in the United States. The proposed topic mostly concerns these individuals due to the fact, they are affected by presidential voting institutions. Throughout this paper, I will be arguing in favor of the Electoral College, with an end goal of persuading my audience of the benefits of the system. MWA #1: The Electoral College is a constitutional system written in 1787, in this system ââ¬Å"each state selects as many electors as it has representatives in Congressâ⬠, members of the college casts ballots for individuals, the individual with the most electoral votes becomes the President of the United States (Shelley 80). It isâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬Å"From 1972 to 2012, citizens 18-29 turned out at a rate 15 to 20 points lower than citizens 30 years olderâ⬠from this data we can conclude that age is a demographic that affects voter turnout (What Affects Voter Turnout). Voting laws such as those of identification or registration impact voter turnout. For example, the introduction of early voting was meant to increase voter turnout, but has in fact decreased turnout (What Affects Voter Turnout). In response to the argument that the system lowers voter turnout rate, one should take the many other variables that contribute to turnout into account. The argument that the Electoral College is undemocratic is correct, the system is undemocratic due to the fact, that it is the electors who elect the president, not individuals. While the Electoral College is technically undemocratic it is still a fair system. ââ¬Å"Virtually all states award all their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote in the stateââ¬â¢, even so it is possible for the winner of the electoral vote to lose the popular vote which weââ¬â¢ve seen in the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. This is an example of a flaw in the system, but a single flaw does not justify abolishing the system altogether (Posner). Another common argument against the Electoral College is that it favors the interests of smaller states. However, according to J. Banzhaf who applied game-theoretic mathematics to the Electoral College system that invalidates this argument.Show MoreRelatedRhetoric And Its Impact On Politics1157 Words à |à 5 Pagesreveal the big contrast in rhetorical strategies between the US two major parties; Democrats and Republicans. Both the Democrats and the GOPs is taking advantage of this type of art in order to compete and win over the other party. In the US presdiental campaigns, each is using their own rhetoric strategy. Rhodes and Albert reveal that ââ¬Å"on average, Democratic candidates have been rhetoric partisans, while Republican candidates have adopted more conciliatory rhetorical strategies.â⬠Their researchRead MoreAnalysis Of Edward J. Larson s The Crucible 1383 Words à |à 6 Pages In 2007, Edward J. Larson published a book that focused on the events from Americaââ¬â¢s electoral process in 1800. The book explores four candidates; Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr. However, the authorââ¬â¢s main focus is on Jefferson and Adams due to their salient bout. As the former supported the Republican Party and the latter supported the Federal Party, there was a prevalent rivalry between the two candidates (Larson, 2007). With the negative and positive aspectsRead MoreA Linguistic Analysis of Obamaââ¬â¢s Inaugural Address9492 Words à |à 38 PagesRhythm and Rhetoric: A Linguistic Analysis of Obamaââ¬â¢s Inaugural Address Liilia Batluk Supervisor: Stuart Foster School of Humanities Halmstad University Bachelorââ¬â¢s thesis in English Acknowledgment My appreciations to my supervisor Stuart Foster for very helpful advice during the research. Abstract In this essay I shall analyze Barack Obamaââ¬â¢s Inaugural Address, January, 2009 from the perspective of various linguistic techniques. More specifically, I shall propose and focus on the idea that theRead MoreAp European History Outline Chapter 10 Essay example5639 Words à |à 23 Pagestextual analysis and historical logic to prove that the document had been written in the eighth, rather than the fourth, century * Less than a century later, Valla became a hero to Protestant reformers * Civic Humanism emerged out of the belief that educationââ¬âunlike that provided by scholasticsââ¬âshould promote individual virtue and public service * Three famous civic humanists were Coluccio Salutati, Leonardo Bruni, and Poggio Bracciolini who used their rhetorical skillsRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words à |à 656 Pageslamentable. Taken together, the key themes and processes that have been selected as the focus for each of the eight essays provide a way to conceptualize the twentieth century as a coherent unit for teaching, as well as for written narrative and analysis. Though they do not exhaust the crucial strands of historical development that tie the century togetherââ¬âone could add, for example, nationalism and decolonizationââ¬âthey cover in depth the defining phenomena of that epoch, which, as the essays demonstrate
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Romiette and Julio free essay sample
Romiette is African-American girl from Cincinnati, Ohio and she is having nightmare about fire and water. In addition to that in the nightmare that she is having, a male voice speaks to her and her best friend Destiny told her that it might be her soul mate. Julio is a Hispanic form Texas but moved to Cincinnati, Ohio. Julio and Romiette met in chat room and later found out that they both go to same school. They become friend after the date at lunch and eventually their friendship changed to relationship. Within, ââ¬Å"Romiette start write down the events she is going through in notebookâ⬠. The Devildogs, local gang kidnapped them for dating each other of different race and culture. Through the book, Romiette and Julio, Sharon explains that True love cannot end and the power of love is un-defeated. Julio first day of school went madly because he again repeat the save behavior again like the one on Texas. We will write a custom essay sample on Romiette and Julio or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He and his parents had to move from Texas to Cincinnati in the cold winter season. Julio gets on fight with ben in the school but his stupid behavior helped him to find a friend. Ben lies to his teacher about getting into fight with Julio. He claimed, he fall and he is end up bleeding from his nose. Therefore, they both end up being very close friend. However, Julio and Romiette were still in touch and there was disagreement going on between Julio and his father. His father saidâ⬠he will never allow a black African American women to come to his house. In addition, the local gang were still threating them for being in a mixed relationship. As the result, Romiette and Julio parents agreed to their relationship after they were found unconscious in the river.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Private School Vouchers Essays - Education Economics,
Private School Vouchers Sign up now for a free trial. Date Smarter! Private School Vouchers Proposals to use private school vouchers, a marketplace strategy, as a mechanism by which to improve the general quality of public education have produced a lively debate. Frequently, that debate has degenerated into a disagreement about whether public schools are as good as private schools or whether a given private school is better than a certain neighborhood public school. Other issues raised in these discussions include the appropriate use of public funds, the role of competition in improving public education, and the right of parents to choose a school for their children. Although these issues are of interest, they are not the fundamental questions which must be raised about the future of public schools in a democracy. Two Core Issues In their rush to the marketplace, the proponents of private school choice supported by public funds have chosen to ignore two core issues. First, the advocates of private school choice studiously avoid any discussion of the relationship between public schools and the common or public good in a democracy. As an example, the Governor of Wisconsin asserts that "any school that serves the public is a public school" and should therefore receive public funds through a voucher system. There is no recognition in this proposal of the distinct and unique purpose of public education in serving the public good. This rhetorical sleight-of-hand does not mean that a private school of choice becomes a public school in purpose simply by so defining it. The claim is merely a device to divert public funds for private purposes. The failure to recognize that public schools have a central responsibility in a democratic society is further evidenced by the work of John Chubb and Terry Moe, who argue that improving the efficiency and quality of public education will require the replacement of democratic governance by market mechanisms. The authors state, "The most basic cause of ineffective performance among the nation's public schools is their subordination to public authority. ... The school's most fundamental problems are rooted in the institutions of democratic control by which they are governed". Chubb and Moe deny the historic purposes of public schools when they reject the idea that educational policy should be directed by a common vision or purpose. They assert, "It should be apparent that schools have no immutable or transcendent purpose. ... What they are supposed to be doing depends on who controls them and what these controllers want them to do". The Thompson proposal for Wisconsin's schools embraces this belief system it is a denial of the fundamental role of public education in affirming the public good. A second issue which remains unexamined in the rush to the marketplace concerns the claims offered in defense of private school choice. Choice is offered as a "lesson learned" rather than a proposition to be examined. Advocates of private school choice have ignored its history. Despite the claims made for a market-based school restructuring strategy, the history of choice does not support the claims of its proponents. A Declaration of Crisis Willingness to abandon strong support for public schools and to turn to marketplace solutions is driven by a crisis rhetoric. This rhetoric, which suggests that public education is failing, is not only misleading, it is dangerous because it may erode public confidence in the very institutions on which our capacity for a democratic response depends. Criticism of public education has continued unabated since the publication of A Nation At Risk in 1983. Stimulated in large part by new international economic realities, by a domestic economy based on traditional production models, and by changing domestic demographics, the critics have sought solutions to these challenging problems by turning to schools and educators. The data cited by critics of public schools were accepted at face value until the late 1980's. However, since then, a variety of research reports have revealed that much of the criticism has been simplistic and has distorted and misrepresented the conditions of public education. The credibility of the crisis-in-education claim, in fact, rests not on immutable evidence of school failure but, rather, on a linkage which has been established by critics between education and other social problems such as violent crime, drug use, family instability, and economic uncertainty. Although schools are not charged directly with creating these problems, the public is turning to public education for solutions to broad and complex social conditions. This occurred in the 1950's in response to the Russian scientific and military challenge, in the 1960's in response to the challenge of racial segregation, and again in the 1980's in response to the challenges
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Essay on An Anthropologist on Mars
Essay on An Anthropologist on Mars Essay on An Anthropologist on Mars Investigating cases on behavior and neurology presents a significant number of health ideas. The brain is capable of performing tasks through a finite number of reactions and neurons in the nervous system. In light to this, I decide to go through the works of Oliver Sacks named An Anthropologist on Mars. I keenly study the seven cases of patients and colleagues he has highlighted about their extraordinary brains. Each case differs from the other thus depicting the issues on study. From the brain tumor victim to surgeon suffering from Touretteââ¬â¢s syndrome the dimension of the study broaden. In order for one to be in a position to understand their subjects appropriately, the personality method of investigation is vital. Therefore, spending ample time with your subjects is very crucial in this field. I find An anthropologist on Mars fascinating since it gives amn opportunity to view peoplesââ¬â¢ brains conditions as well as study them to the letter. The fascinating neurobiological stories explore some of the unique experiences and perceptions of oneself. The saddest thing about the study on disorders of the nervous system and the brain is that the condition of most of the patients is beyond repair. This is irrespective of the diverse scope of knowledge in the book. The passion in me to know more about science related cases especially on first hand individuals helps me see the effectiveness of Sacksââ¬â¢ method of investigation. The authors method of finding ways to help patients to be fit again is fantastic. I arrive to this conclusion after reading how he has tackled cases in certain disorders facing the neuro system and the brain. These are Korsakovââ¬â¢s syndrome and Tourettes syndrome. Patients in these unusual disorders should be given information on how to cope to the conditions they find themselves in. this should be done without necessarily considering whether the patientââ¬â¢s outcome. All the professionals involved in this field should incorporate this idea into their profession to spur them to enviable success. In addition, utilizing different neurological techniques to learn each of the subjects in a respectful and personal manner is also important. Most of those operating in this field tend to go by the results given by the clinic. However, this is not always advisable since you maybe condemning someone to a their death whereas a lot can be done to improve his condition. Having the curiosity to discover the beauty in the minds of the affected people will help you achieve this goal far much easier. All this should be done in environments that make the affected feel comfortable rather than undermined. This is through creating time for private outings with every patient you are in contact with as well making arrangements to bond with them through their activities. This enables one to learn more and figure out their problems. Being a step ahead and having better ideas on how to treat the individual under medical examination is also important. Each of the chapters in An anthropologist on Mars has a cast of significant characters, setting, and plot. The elements portrayed in the book weave together creating a fascinating story. The i ndividuals undergoing examination are astonishing and how the author manages to counter the sterile account of the relative neurological functioning found in psychiatric journals is brilliant. I am amazed by how the author describes interactions, setting and personal feelings of the subjects. This is what defines his unique approach as a prolific writer and extraordinary neuroscientist. The analysis every situation has supernatural significance. The investigations also involve cases with personal stake and distinct compassion mostly available in psychiatristââ¬â¢s offices. The ability to make transform a diagnosis to a story puts him ahead of the rest in the writing field. Another of his strengths is responsibility of transforming his characters from simple brain to a human worthy story with perfection. The people Sacks studies are both patients and subjects. This is since the cases Oliver Sacks bases his investigations on involve conditions mostly associated with the brain. The patients and subjects are suffering from different neurological conditions. Sacks believe that the patients suffer from such conditions as a result of living in a world different from the rest. The Case of the Colorblind Painter involves an artist who loses his color perception ability after an accident. ââ¬Å"Would it be ââ¬Å"normalâ⬠from the moment vision was restored? Was not experience necessary to see? Did one have to learn to see?â⬠(Sacks 109). The author details the patient cases and uses it as one of the ways in giving an account of how the modern understanding of vision works. From this, there are lessons learnt from the inability of the artist to also remember the colors. The diseases focused on in the essays affect the ways in which individuals know and understand themselves. The Last Hippie also has a similar context as connected from the current state of the patient. The author describes to a relative knowledge history concerning the brainââ¬â¢s frontal lobe function. This also involves some of the significant problems resulting from the damage caused on the lobes. There is a review on the looks of the different types of memories and their forms of interaction. In A Surgeons Life, the author switches to deal with the colleagues suffering from Touretteââ¬â¢s syndrome. Here I notice how the piece of art manages to provide the history of the condition and also includes similar tics and symptoms. There is an emphasis on how the colleague adjusts to the people around him, and the tics causing the Touretteââ¬â¢s syndrome. The little information given about the lessons learnt from the condition means that the author considers the aspect of respect for his colleague and discretion compared to the one he gives to the other patients. In the To See and Not See case, involves a case sight restoration to one of the patients who had suffered from blindness for a period of forty years. The author provides a few cases where this is possible and some of the reactions known to the people who experienced sight restoration. The author manages to recognize the contribution of colleagues and other people to the aspect of discussing specific mental illnesses. The danger is that we may go overboard in medicalizing our predecessors (and contemporaries), reducing their complexity, to expressions of neurological or psychiatric disorder, while neglecting all other factors that determine a life, not least the irreducible uniqueness of the individual (Sacks 165). This helps in understanding how such conditions affect the ways in which individuals know and understand themselves. There is a reference specifically to some of the tendencies psychoanalysts consider connecting genius with the brain variations since it is significant to neuroscience. While the idea works best in most of the formats, The Landscape of His Dreams covers cases of depression which results from temporal lobe epilepsy. This case is described in details in reflection to the painter who manages to detail his childhood town in visions and has to deal with the vital changes the town has undergone. Soaks give a very little discussion and history of temporal lobe epilepsy causes, but Prodigies focuses on the idea of autism. It provides a very little history on autism discovery and goes on to describe the difficult abilities people face as a result of autism. In ââ¬Å"Prodigies,â⬠there is focus on the internal struggle with the thoughts of his travel companion suffering from autism. ââ¬Å"Normally, there is a cohering and unifying power that integrates all the separate faculties of mind, integrates them, too, with our experiences and emotions, so that they take on a unique personal cast. It is this global or integrating power that allows us to generalize and reflect, to develop subjectivity and a self-conscious selfâ⬠(Sacks 227). ââ¬Å"An Anthropologist on Mars,â⬠provides one of the significant and interesting approaches to the aspect of neurobiology. This has informed my understanding of concepts such as ââ¬Å"normalâ⬠and ââ¬Å"handicap.â⬠This is through focus on the conditions that most of the people described in the context of every chapter face, and the attempts to make things right. It also includes discussion of individuals entirely. I notice the disdain for a similar line of thought through considering patients and colleagues as a whole. However, there are no clarifications on the opinion of the topics covered in the book, but there are details of the various popular ideas over time. You can order a custom essay on this topic at professional writing service. 100% non-plagiarized essays of high quality will be written from scratch by experts.
Saturday, February 22, 2020
Social Causes of the Decline in Marriage Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Social Causes of the Decline in Marriage - Essay Example Marriage is simply not respected as it once was. The expectation from marriage is eroded. The cult of personal autonomy and the rise of modern world and the views have only accelerated this process of ignoring marriages. Still, the decline of marriage as an institution is not uniform across the culture. Statistics show that marriage is losing ground among African Americans more quickly than within the society at large. The American family system has gone through a lot of changes in the past centuries-marriage and divorce rates, cohabitation, childbearing, sexual behavior, and women working outside the home (Cherlin, 2005). Though marriage generally remains the living arrangement for raising children, there are increasing number of poor and minority children growing up in single-parent families and experiencing family instability. Among the American racial groups since the 1960s, the decline of marriage as a social institution has been more evident with African Americans. According to Jones (2006), the African Americans have the lowest marriage rate among all racial groups in the United States. In 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated that more than 70 percent of all the black families in the United States are headed by married couples (Kinnon, 2003). But in 2002, that number was 48 percent. Moreover, there is an alarming increase in number of black women and men who have never been wedded. The 2001 U. S. Census reveals that 43.3 percent of black men and 41.9 percent of black women in America in comparison to 27.4 percent white men and 20.7 percent white women had never been married (Jones, 2006; Mohler, 2006). There is a much worse case that concludes that African American women are the least likely in the society to marry and they are increasing in number. From 62 percent of black women who are married, the number declined to 31 percent in the period between 1950 and 2002. Jones (2006) states that the overall marriage rate in the United States, weakened by 17 percent, while for blacks, it declined by 34 percent. Section A: Literature Review The decline of marriage by African Americans has been questioned by a lot of researchers through the years. There is a sudden urge to know the reasons of the shift in African American customs, in the community, in the people's consciousness that has made marriage seem unnecessary or unattainable (Jones, 2006). . Today 63% of the families headed by African Americans are by single parent. The direct impact of this reversal in attitude towards marriage is that there have been dramatic demographic changes in the number of Black children being reared by a single parent over the last decade. Arguments and discussions about the "pathologies" of Black families have intensified. New questions are raised regarding the impact of having Black children reared by their mothers without their fathers along with this demographic shift. Much of the research on single-parent families has tended to focus on male children and adolescents. Female Headed Black Families Noted sociologist E. F. Frazier
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Fundamentals of Marketing Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Fundamentals of Marketing - Personal Statement Example STEEPLE analysis as an outcome that is covered in the module brings out market dynamics and marketing environment with consideration of competitors in marketing (Cant, Brink and Brijball, 2006). The learning about the dynamics and marketing environment allows of putting up strategies that enables effective competition in marketing despite the changing conditions that occur during the marketing process. Understanding on the wider environment in which marketing of an organization is done is important in marketing planning and strategy. Factors that are in the operational environment such as government policies and changes in attitudes of consumers are important in marketing as they are needed in strategies that are made in convincing consumers to use the products (Cant, Brink and Brijball, 2006). The impacts of the policies to marketing of an organization were learned. Learning was also on marketing environment. This was on strategies of other competitors and their effects on the marketing strategy of an organization. The strategy that an organization make for effective marketing competition can be affected by other competitors and flexibility to change the strategies are needed in such
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Health care Transparency Essay Example for Free
Health care Transparency Essay Health care Transparency is openness about the quality of healthcare provided, sharing information whether it be good or bad for the purpose of improvement. In the past, health care transparency was secretive, people did not want to share patent information for reason of privacy to their clients as well to avoid law suits. However there is a way in which you can share information without violating doctor patient privilege. The future of health care transparency looks as though it is going to improve, I say improve because I agree with Dr. Patrick Crawley that the movement will allow sharing of information therefore allowing improvements to be made leading to less law suits. Really kind of taking on a best practices type of mentality as well sometimes we need others to step in and help work through issues that may arise. Overall I think that hospitals becoming transparent will force improvement, at first I am sure there will be a struggle just as in any new process however once the kinks are worked out improvement will shine through. Health care transparency will help patients make more informed decisions when deciding where to go when care is needed, this may cause longer wait times at first however raising the standards and outing the facilities that are not providing good treatment cause only force them to do whatever it takes to increase standards and service provided. We as consumers need to become more informed decisions makers however with information available to us is limited we are unable to make accurate decisions on where to receive our care. We have systems/sites in which we can choose babysitters, plumbers and other types of services we made need why would we not want to choose our health care facility with the same type of research. Some of this information is already made available by some facilities, such as checking out wait times and even being able to sign up to be seen before even arriving improving the time in which we would wait toà receive care. The more we alignment with this advancement the better the care we will see.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Cider House Rules Essay -- essays research papers
The Cider House Rules" is a movie based on John Irving's best selling book. It is a very wonderful, touching, and real 1943Ã ¡Ã ¦s life story. The story centered on an orphanage child named Homer and a sick doctor, Dr Larch who will have an emotional bond with Homer. I watched the movie before, and my first impression on this movie, I think it is a very good, and relax movie, where you can watch it with your family, although some of the scene may be offended for children. The Cider House Rules, begins in the 1920s in St. Cloud's orphanage in Maine where Homer Wells is born and spends most of his teenage years. Three times he is adopted by good families, but later returned to the orphanage. Dr. Larch, who is in charge there, would just as well have him stay, for he later becomes a good assistant to the doctor in performing abortions and delivering babies. Wally Worthington, whose wealthy parents are in the apple and cider business gets to know Homer when Wally, takes his girlfriend Candy to the St. Cloud's orphanage for an abortion. These three become close friends and Homer accompanies them back to their hometown where he spends the next six months. It's a new life for Homer, and he realizes that his years at the orphanage are just the past and it is time for him to move on. Wally, who became a captain in the Air Force during WW II, crashes his bomber in Burma, and his both of his legs are paralyzed. Candy, who is not good of being left alone, had an affair with Homer, fe...
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Minimising faiulures in the homeland intelligence security Essay
An intelligence community is a group or a coalition of organisation in the United State of America. It is part of the executive branch that is autonomous and works indipendently in matters related to security and investigation of crimes. The intelligence community is accountable to the president, the policy makers and other senior departments in the government of the united states to collect and gather the necessary information to ensure maximum security is maintained within the country as part of executing their mandate (Noftsinger at el, 2007). The intelligence community has a definate method of carrying out their duties. The first step involves the identification of the problem that need to be sorted as a matter of security concern. Then a plan is laid on how the process is to go and the necessary data is collected. The collected data is put under scrutiny and strictly analysed by the intelligence experts. Later a report is compiled giving the reccomedations and suggestions regarding the security concern matter. The report is then given to the president or the policy makers or even the millitary commanders depending on who required the investigation. However the intelligence community and especially the homeland intelligence security has not been without failures. To decreas the number of these failures the secrecy within the intelligence agents becomes very critical (Kivett, 2006). In this case the transmission of information from one point to the other should be guarded to the maximum to ensure that no leakage of information takes place. Consequently it is prefferd that information should not be transmitted at all if it is not secured. Nevertheless, the secrecy that should be maintained is not wholly on all facets of the government. The intelligence community needs to share some neccessary ideas with other experts and organisations all over. The sharing of corporate ideas does not pose any danger to the security agencies as it reveals more of the other rival intention. Sharing of ideas should only be restricted for the millitary concepts and guarding as well as security matters. Sharing of technological knowhow does not make the rival better than the intelligence community agencies in place (Beyer, 2004). The intelligence community in the united state have been very keen on the collection and sharing of the information. But the major failure is now involving connecting and understanding the intelligence. This failure can be reduced by ensuring that all high priority threats investigation are specifically and stictly assigned so that the responsibility can be shouldered on certain capacities. The investigation should be a an all time process. A gap also exists between the report by the inteligence community and the distribution of that information therefore leading to a failure in the intelligence service. This failure can be reduced by ensuring that any report which has potential threat is distributed more effectivelly and measures taken. Furthermore the analytical process for the reports given should be strengthened with the incorporation of the intelligence experts to enhace more reliable information for execution. A failure in the homeland security intelligence is also experienced due to the lack of up to date technological equipments. This leaves a gap for the threats and should be reduced by more advenced explosive detection capabilities at all points of interaction with other nations like the airports, the ports, and the boarder. For this to come to reality a great investment by the U. S government need to be done for the installations. The homeland intelligence security should also improve aviation screaning and security towards the international partnership. An improvement in the organisational or agencies system is also important for information to move smoothly and timely for actions to be taken before the damage occurs.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Beauty Definition Essay - 1411 Words
Beauty The ways people view beauty have changed over time. Beauty has many definitions, and so many people think about it in different ways. Some people like external beauty and some like internal beauty and many people like both together. Beauty controls how people live and think, but it depends on which definition of beauty they choose to believe in. We live in a world that misunderstands the true meanings of pretty much everything. Thousands of years ago people knew and understood what the true meaning of beauty is. They did not care about looks and clothes. So why is it difficult for us today to look deeply and closely into what beauty and other things mean? Everybody should not think of beauty as either a six-letter word or aâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Having a beautiful soul is also a very important quality of beauty. Beauty is skin deep. It is also about being true to you and to the people around. People can express beauty through giving and not expecting anything good back . For instance, the beauty of a relationship is to love, respect, and do nice things without even expecting a thank you or a gift back. I had a girl in my class she was very beautiful and dresses very nice. She thought that using her external beauty would help her pass all of her classes by tricking boys into doing her homework for her. Until one day the boys figured out that she was using them. They saw her internal ugliness instead of her external beauty, and they all left her. She learned her lesson and changed to having inner beauty. External beauty does not live with people for the rest of their lives, it eventually fades away. When people turn 70 years of age and look in the mirror and see the wrinkles on their faces, they realize that this is not true beauty whereas internal beauty lasts for a lifetime. It does not fade away. In fact, it lives even after death. It lives through their loved ones when they remember the kindness and beautifulness that those people had before the y have died. Another significant factor is that a lot of people misconstrue the main idea of happiness. Most of them do not know how to be happy. Some people do wrong things and sometimes harm others because they think this is the only way that they will be happy.Show MoreRelatedThe Definition of Beauty Essay905 Words à |à 4 PagesSynthesis Essay #2 The definition of beauty is a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure, meaning, or satisfaction. Beauty has negative and positive influences on mostly people. Beauty is described by the inside and outside of us. Due to beauty, our self-esteem has been hurt dramatically, especially towards girls. Beauty is not always about our outside looks but itââ¬â¢s about our inside personality also. First of all, beauty hasRead MoreBeauty Definition Essay1126 Words à |à 5 Pagestime? Most people judge beauty base on a personââ¬â¢s physical appearance. However, true beauty sis base on a personââ¬â¢s personality and a how a person treat someone else. The hardest thing is to describe beauty because everyone has their own views about beauty. In my opinion beauty has more to with the way someone see portray themselves. The expression ââ¬Å"beautyâ⬠was first used in the 14th century as ââ¬Å"physical attractiveness,â⬠and also ââ¬Å"goodness, courtesy.â⬠The meaning of beauty also came from many placesRead MoreBeauty Definition Essay1156 Words à |à 5 PagesWhat is beauty? How do we decide who is attractive and who is not? Society is full of information telling us what is beautiful, but that fact is that information based on? The topic of beauty has been studied, analyzed and controversial for centuries. 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The way a person looks the way they are on the inside, or is it not even a human but things in nature. The definition of beauty has a very broad definition everyone has their own meanings their own thoughts on the subject. After a lot of research and interviewing two people getting the perspective of a male who I am very close to and a female who is just a girl in my class I have finally come to some kind of idea of what the word beauty really meansRead MoreDefinition Of Beauty Essay749 Words à |à 3 PagesBeauty is commonly defined as the combination of qualities that pleases our senses, mostly our sight. Despite this, throughout many years, the concept of beauty has been considered one of the hardest riddles to solve. This happens not only because of all of what it covers, but also because of societyââ¬â¢s beauty patterns. Society has been in charge in making people, mostly girls, to feel inferior because they do not complete this ââ¬Å"beauty standardsâ⬠in order to be considered beautiful. We need to beRead MoreBeauty Definition Essay858 Words à |à 4 PagesWhat is beauty? How do we define who is attractive and who is not? Is it the models posing on the front of magazine, or the confident, bright eyed person sitting across the room? Our society and media is full of advice telling us what beauty is or how to become beautiful. As human beings we are drawn to beauty, but what exactly is beauty? The phrase, ââ¬Å"beauty is in the eyes of the beholder,â⬠is accurate since what one may consider beautiful can vary from what another may consider beautiful. SomeRead MoreDefinition Of Beauty Essay722 Words à |à 3 PagesThere is an English quote, ââ¬Å"Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.â⬠The quote is correct in some peopleââ¬â¢s eyes but not everyoneââ¬â¢s, because someone may think the individual is exquisite, but others may see the flaws you donââ¬â¢t. In the research of a well-known Philosophy about Plato, he saw that beauty wasnââ¬â¢t how someone introduced themselves, or how they looked on the outside but instead on how they are inside. The true beauty in some perspectives, is what they been through with their ownRead MoreAn Extended Definition of Beauty Essay1056 Words à |à 5 PagesThe subjective element of beauty involves judgment, not opinion. Many people feel beauty is only something seen by the eyes. St. Thomas Aquinas views beauty in both the supernatural and natural orders. Aquinas lists the attributes of beauty to be found in nature. These are; unity, proportion, and clarity. We will see how these attributes of beauty are seen through the eye and felt by the heart. To begin, the concept of unity follows the Aristotelian proposition that nothing can be added to or takenRead MoreBeauty Extended Definition Essay792 Words à |à 4 PagesBeauty is something that can be interpreted completely different from person to person. A famous quote that goes along with this perfectly is ââ¬Å"beauty is in the eye of the beholder.â⬠I think a personââ¬â¢s inner beauty should be taken into account when deciding whether or not a person is beautiful. Wikipediaââ¬â¢s definition of beauty is, ââ¬Å"a characteristic of a person, animal, place, object, or idea that provides a perceptual experience of pleasure or satisfactionâ⬠while Oxford Dictionary states, ââ¬Å"beauty
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